Tuesday, December 23, 2008

BlogContestSite Now Tweets!

(My Original Blog Post: http://www.theresabloginmysoup.com/blogcontestsite-now-tweets/)
We'd all love to get our hands on the latest greatest gadget on the market. I myself would love a 42 inch tv or larger, can I afford it? Probably not. I'd also love to win an iphone, ipod, macbook, netbook, etc... I'd love to win anything - who wouldn't?

Blog contests are great ways to win great prizes. You not only win though, you help smaller blogs get their feet off. It's a win-win situation.

BlogContestSite.com has been around a long time. It started out as one of the first blogs to host blog contest information on the internet.

It has sinced moved into a different direction where you can add your own contests to the site, and vote other contests up and down and win in the progess.

I am a little biased being the co-owner of Blog Contest Site, but I believe it's headed for greatness. I have relaunched the new design using DRIGG for Drupal. I will be giving prizes to users with the most Karma - getting karma is easy just vote, and leave comments on contests.

You can also follow blogcontests on twitter and get updated every 30 mins on new contests that are running!

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