Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Tragic Side of Web 2.0 / Progress...

(My Original Blog Post:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by Matthew Stewart (aramisfirefly) via Flickr"]Touchdown[/caption]

New Media can be Bloody at Times

Social media and all encompassing 'new media' is a boon of opportunity, it's a way to socialize without even leaving the home for many. It is a way to build relationships with people in different lands.

Many have also embraced New Media to share the many aspects of their lives. From the birth of a new child as Robert Scoble, and This Guy did, via twitter; to the suffering of people.

To the joys of a nation embracing change, amidst a changing the world (yeah I'm talking about the election, duh!)

As Tony Hung of Deep Jive Interests put it quite poigantly:
The “new” web is more than the spectacle of the crushingly banal or the bruisingly idiotic, and like it or lump it, it will probably catalogue the depth and breadth of the human experience in a way that’s never been done before.

Which brings us to the Tragic Side of Web 2.0.

It was reported today that a young man took his life, while streaming it live on being a video service which streams content live. This may be one of the first suicides committed on live internet tv, but I doubt it will be the last.

I'm sure there will also come a day when serial killers torture, rape, and kill their victims whilst letting the whole world watch.

Let's pray that it doesn't get that bad, and lets pray that if that day comes, that we won't be so base to not even acknowledge it as newsworthy.

New Idea to gain / keep Newsletter Subscribers

(My Original Blog Post:
I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet.

I was thinking about ways to build my list larger, so far it's growing pretty good. Offering a freebie download is always a good start -  I'm toying with the idea of writing one free elite pdf ebook weeky, and make it only available to newsletter members.

I believe this technique would work great because it's a good way to split-test new topics. One ebook may not appeal to your readers, while another might appeal better.

Anyone have experience with this type of technique? Share your Experience and comments!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blackhat Article Writing Technique!

(My Original Blog Post:

Well, this may not be blackhat but it's definitely gray.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]A sample dictation in DragonPad, the included ...[/caption]

The key to successful blogging that I've been mentioning lately is focused dedication and continually writing new content. You may notice that I don't always post new content every day to this blog, although I do try to. A lot of the content I create, I use on article sites, squidoo, hubpages, etc.

This is an easy quick way to churn out articles with reckless abandon:

1. Purchase Dragon Naturally Speaking, or find an alternative speech to text program.

2. Google the topic that you want to write about, or visit and search articles there.

3. Launch Dragon NaturallySpeaking and rewrite the article on the fly by putting the article into your own words. Most people can speak faster than they can type and this is a much faster way to write articles.

Please note that the key here is to make the article look different and not duplicate as far as the search engines are aware. It's also to save you from any copyright issues.

How you make money with this technique:

Well you could post it to your blog and make money off your blog's advertising, OR you can post your new article to squidoo, hubpages, associated content, helium, or any other site that pays for articles.

If you do it right you could potentially write 5-10 posts in an hour, if you submit these to Associated content as exclusive posts you could earn as much as $5 per post, plus an additional $1.50 per 1000 pageviews. In essence that's $25-50 for an hour of work!

Let me know if you've had success with this technique!

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Network Marketing vs Tradition Businesses -which is better?

(My Original Blog Post:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]A McDonald's store front in Times Square.[/caption]

Right now the economy is in crisis, people are losing their jobs left and right. Now more than ever people are looking for an opportunity, they need to find a way to earn money immediately.

Before joining my network working company, I researched many different home based business opportunities. The advantages of network marketing far outweigh any other home based businesses that are out there.

Here are just a few things that made network marketing stand out for me:

Business startup costs: In most traditional businesses and small businesses start up costs can be a bit daunting.

For instance franchises like McDonald's are great businesses but they cost over $100,000 just to get started. On the other hand joining a reputable network marketing company, you're looking at startup costs as low as $50 in some cases.

While some home-based businesses may also have low start up costs, there generally is a requirement to keep buying supplies and you will always have overhead. In network marketing you will need few supplies and hardly any overhead.

Business sales: In network marketing you are generally able to start making sales on the first day. With most network marketing companies you don't even have to worry about taking payments customer enters in their own information into the company's website and that's about it.

Not only is order taking easy, but so is order fulfillment. Most network marketing companies handle all the packaging and delivery, so that you can spend most of your time making sales, signing up new distributors, and training your downline.

On the other hand if you're in the business completely on your own, it is your responsibility to set up the system to take orders, process those orders, package your products, ship the products and many times even make the product. On top of all of these items you need to make the sale as well. If you can manage all that great, but most people with that lifestyle have no time for themselves or for their families.

In a traditional home-based business as your business grows your free time disappears. As your customer base increases you have to increase the amount of time and effort that you put into your business. For instance, if you own a cake decorating business it is exciting to get a new customer, each new customer means more time in the kitchen and less time doing the things that really matter in life.

Legal: Laws govern just about every business transaction, it's important to make sure that your home business follows these laws. Most businesses you will have to pay to register your business, get insurance for your business, incorporate, file business license, etc. In network working if you choose a reputable company and follow their policies, you will generally be within the law.

But these are just a few of the reasons the network marketing is by and large the easiest and best way for a person to start their own home business and begin getting paid today.

Why not take a free tour of one of the best Network companies around today?

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How does Network Marketing Stack up Against Traditional Businesses?

(My Original Blog Post:

Is Network Marketing a Viable Home Based Business?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]McDonald's advertising[/caption]

How does it stack up against Franchises, and other Small Businesses?

Right now the economy is in crisis, people are losing their jobs left and right. Now more than ever people are looking for an opportunity, they need to find a way to earn money immediately.

Before joining my network working company(MyWorldPlus), I researched many different home based business opportunities. The advantages of network marketing far outweigh any other home based businesses that are out there.

Here are just a few things that made network marketing stand out for me:

Business startup costs: In most traditional businesses and small businesses start up costs can be a bit daunting.

For instance franchises like McDonald's are great businesses but they cost over $100,000 just to get started. On the other hand joining a reputable network marketing company, you're looking at startup costs as low as $50 in some cases.

While some home-based businesses may also have low start up costs, there generally is a requirement to keep buying supplies and you will always have overhead. In network marketing you will need few supplies and hardly any overhead.

Business sales: In network marketing you are generally able to start making sales on the first day. With most network marketing companies you don't even have to worry about taking payments customer enters in their own information into the company's website and that's about it.

Not only is order taking easy, but so is order fulfillment. Most network marketing companies handle all the packaging and delivery, so that you can spend most of your time making sales, signing up new distributors, and training your downline.

On the other hand if you're in the business completely on your own, it is your responsibility to set up the system to take orders, process those orders, package your products, ship the products and many times even make the product. On top of all of these items you need to make the sale as well. If you can manage all that great, but most people with that lifestyle have no time for themselves or for their families.

In a traditional home-based business as your business grows your free time disappears. As your customer base increases you have to increase the amount of time and effort that you put into your business. For instance, if you own a cake decorating business it is exciting to get a new customer, each new customer means more time in the kitchen and less time doing the things that really matter in life.

Legal: Laws govern just about every business transaction, it's important to make sure that your home business follows these laws. Most businesses you will have to pay to register your business, get insurance for your business, incorporate, file business license, etc. In network working if you choose a reputable company and follow their policies, you will generally be within the law.

But these are just a few of the reasons the network marketing is by and large the easiest and best way for a person to start their own home business and begin getting paid today.

If you're ready to try Network Marketing, why not give MyWorldPlus a shot? Take a free Tour Today!

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Are you in? Announcing: Inter-National Pillar Article Week - November 24-28th.

(My Original Blog Post: -*

Pillar Article Writing Week + Contest + 7 tips to Perfect Pillar Articles.

We all sometimes get stuck in the mode of just writing our thoughts, or small news articles, or informative but small articles daily.

This week I submit a challenge = Write 1 Pillar Article for each weekday for the Week of November 24th - 28th, 2008. You can write them each day, or write them now - and schedule them for that day, either way works. If you miss a day, that's fine - just try your best.

I suggest working on them this week though, because next week is Thanksgiving, so it may be a bit hectic at times.

I will have a post for each day where you can come and leave comments explaining what your daily pillar article is about, and a link to it. (read to the end for the best part...)

At the end of the week I will be picking the very best Pillar Article, and I will give that author a free one month verbal recommendation advert in the sidebar with a link to the blog, and your pillar article.

I will also write a 500-1000 word review with pictures and the works.

You will also be given 1000 Free Business Cards that you can use as you like courtesy of

Last but not least - the biggest REASON to Participate: I will stumble / digg Every pillar article submitted - and I also am suggesting that everyone else who participates do the same. This could mean each article could get a ton of traffic.

The last bit - please when writing your pillar article, put something like this at the end: "This Article is part of National Pillar Article Week" and please link back to this post so that others will be able to find out about the trend too - the more people who participate, the more stumbles / diggs everyone will get.

If you like, you could also write a blog post about National Pillar Article week, on your blog as well, with a link back to this post.

7 Free Tips for Absolutely Marvelous Pillar Articles:

  1. Lists are a Blogger's Best Friend. Not all pillar articles are lists, but lists are easy for people to follow, and the human mind just likes them. Lists are easily organized and many times lists, even crappy ones just get a lot of traffic.

  2. Images are like defibrillators for your blog. Good Pillar articles if not lists, contain a lot of images to back up what is being taught or discussed.

  3. Details, Shmetails. Pillar articles are detailed as can be, without fluff. Layout as much info as you can on a subject with as little un-needed info as possible.

  4. Hot Topic - if ain't hot then it's just not. If you check out digg, linkbait and pillar articles are always on a hot topic that's unique. They ar e also exhaustive.

  5. Snappy Titles are better than Snapping Turtles. Well snappy, may be an understatement, but the title has to be exciting and draw in the reader - it must give them a reason to click on it.

  6. Proof-read - Just do it.. Pillar articles are free of blemishes, so to speak. Make sure to use proper grammar and punctuation.

  7. Sub-headings almost as good as Headings. Good Pillar articles also feature good use of sub-headings, and bold fonts. For instance look at this article how I've used h2 tags for sub-headings, and bold font for my main points.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is Mr Blue Light - Frosty's New BFF?

(My Original Blog Post: -*
How Frosty and Mr Blue Light Became Best Friends Forever.

Even frosty isn't immune to these economic troubles, not only was he laid off from the North Pole, but he's move back in w/ relatives in Canada and now he's gotta face global warming too.

Christmas just almost wasn't possible.

Then frosty met Mr. Blue Light. He can relate to being blue, and a fast friendship soon evolved.

Frosty was truly afraid he wouldn't be able to get any gifts for his little snow angels. Blue Light took him by the hand and showed him that there's a whole world of savings out there at a magical place called: KMart.

"But Mr. Blue Light, I can't afford that 32" LCD TV that my parents want, or the Kitchenaid Mixer for Mrs Snowman." Frosty exclaimed on the brink of tears..

"Oh Frosty, it's ok - you don't need to have all the money right now."

"Oh is it one of those credit programs? Ya know I don't have that great credit, and with the credit freeze going on, I doubt I'd get approved.."

"Frosty, they have Kmart Layaway! No credit checks required, just make weekly or biweekly payments and presto pick up your gift the week before Christmas. You can put all kinds of things on layaway like: Bikes, Toys, Electronics, TVs, Xbox, etc..."

"Wow Mr. Blue Light - I can definitely afford layaway, and this might save Christmas for us this year. Wow Thanks!"

If you're suffering from the credit crunch, and poor economics - do like Frosty: Click Here

Visit KMART Layaway.


Make Glass with your Propane Grill - Or maybe you Shouldn't...

(My Original Blog Post:
This is a video on how it is possible to make your very own glass using a grill over-clocked at 2000 degrees and adding washing soda, lime or borax to white-silica beach sand. This is showing what's possible- even though it is possible, I highly recommend not using this technique. "You'll blow your eye out, kid" (Sorry couldn't resist the Christmas Story line drop - I know it's shoot not blow - but blow works better for the scenario). [Sources: Gizmodo via PopSci]

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Breaking News: Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake hits California..

(My Original Blog Post:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Image by Getty Images via Daylife"]LOS ANGELES, CA - NOVEMBER 12: A film produce...[/caption]

At 10am today the Great Southern California Shake Out will take place, in which organizations across SoCal will pretend that there has been a magnitude 7.8 earthqake on the Southern San Andreas fault-line.

According to officials:

"In an earthquake of this size, the shaking will last for nearly two minutes. The strongest shaking will occur near the fault (in the projected earthquake, the Coachella Valley, Inland Empire and Antelope Valley). Pockets of strong shaking will form away from the fault where sediments trap the waves (in the projected earthquake, it would occur in the San Gabriel Valley and in East Los Angeles)."

"An earthquake of this size will cause unprecedented damage to Southern California—greatly dwarfing the massive damage that occurred in Northridge’s 6.7-magnitude earthquake in 1994. In summary, the ShakeOut Scenario estimates this earthquake will cause some 2,000 deaths, 50,000 injuries, $200 billion in damage and other losses, and severe, long-lasting disruption. The report has regional implications and is a dramatic call to action for preparedness."

It is estimated that more than 5 million people will be taking place in this earthquake drill that may be the largest in history.

Click here for a page that tells you how to prepare yourself, families, business, and schools.

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7 Step Guide for Choosing a Multi-Level Marketing Business

(My Original Blog Post:
I just put together a new lense on squidoo - would you please do me a favor and check it out and let me know what you think?

"7 Step Guide for Choosing a Multi-Level Marketing Business"

I appreciate it - Thanks!

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Your Ad Plastered All over this Site for Pennies? I Must be Mad!

(My Original Blog Post: -*

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by tstadler via Flickr"]Pence[/caption]

This blog gets roughly 40,000 pageviews weekly. As an experiment I've added Project Wonderful code to the bottom of every post, both on the single pages, and the main index page.

Right now the bid is less than a penny - Go Ahead and bid - you might get your image on this blog and get your ad viewed 40,000+ times in a single week.

If only 5% of those pageviews end up in clicks that's a huge 2000 unique hits.

All for as little as 1 penny!

The quicker you bid for your ad spot the faster you'll get it.

Click here to Bid Now!

Comment here if you bid, and I will be picking one commenter to receive a free Review.
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Get Elfed. gets JibJabbified.

(My Original Blog Post:
ElfYourself 2008: 3 Days till ElfDay!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by xcaballe via Flickr"]ElfYourSelf 2007 - Carod, Mas, Montilla, Zapatero[/caption]

Just a year ago OfficeMax debuted its highly successful holiday hit website: was a promotional viral video with a twist - users could upload their own pictures and create dancing elves to send to family and friends as e-cards.

Sounds pretty simple, eh? That simple site got over 100 million unique visitors throughout the 2 month campaign.

Enter Greg Spiridellis, CEO of JibJab Media. He saw ElfYourself and saw some great potential. resonated with him because it matched some of the offerings of JibJab which also lets people personalize e-cards with their own images.

Spiridellis looked up ElfYourself's traffic stats in Quantcast and saw the following:

In the one month that debuted and got hammered it rivaled facebook in traffic, which is pretty darn extraordinary. JibJab's ceo thought they could do it a few bits better. In Februar Greg Spiridellis cold-called the chief marketing office of OfficeMax proposing a partnership.

Under the partnership JibJab would create new dancing elves around its 'Starring You' platform. JibJab is planning not one but three different dances including: Disco Elves, Country Elves, and Jazz Elves.

They are also planning on capitalizing on the opportunity to sell digital downloads of the videos, and printed images on cards, mugs, mousepads, and more. could turn from an expensive marketing ploy into a huge money-maker. OfficeMax agreed to JibJab's proposal and is scheduled to relaunch in about 3 days.

[Source: TechCrunch] Disclaimer: I'm in no way being compensated for this post it's purely an interesting blog post - however if you work for OfficeMax and would like to compensate me by all means drop me a message.

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Of God and Universal Healthcare... Why God Approves!

(My Original Blog Post:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]This Gutenberg Bible is displayed by the Unite...[/caption]

I've had many people stating that they don't know where God says Universal healthcare is a freedom, or where it's mentioned in the constitution, or how it related.

Here's my view: First off I'm lds / mormon a christian denomination founded by Joseph Smith in 1830.

For all those politicians, business men, republicans, etc who are against Universal Healthcare - I suggest that you are also against the Bible.

Here's the scriptural support for Universal Healthcare:
Matthew Chapter 25, Verses 34-46
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his aright hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or a thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

I submit that - to deny someone medical care is to cast them aside and is un-christian.

Christianity has no room for hypocrites and if you do not support Healthcare for all people, then you have no business saying you are a Christian.

There are people suffering with Cancer, Leukemia, Heart Disease, and all manner of common, and rare diseases. Many cannot afford the health care they need, many show up in the ER which costs 10 times more than a normal doctor, and helps raise the overall cost of healthcare across the board.

Write your congressmen, and senators and let them know that they cannot go on being hypocrites and call themselves Christians and expect to be believed if they go on not supporting Universal Healthcare. After all your congressmen and senators have the best health care our Government can afford, of course they may not care about universal health care.

We may have won a huge victory with Obama getting elected as he favors a more universal plan - but the fight isn't over yet. Keep fighting, and spread the word!

Some great websites to check out about Universal Healthcare include:

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Biggest Loser Trainer Arrested for Beating a 6 Yr Old.

(My Original Blog Post:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Biggest Loser Jeetega[/caption]

Looks like this guy truly is the biggest loser. Anthony Badalamenti one of the trainers for the Biggest Loser was arrested Monday night for beating his girlfriend's 6 year old son with weightlifting belts.

I'm not sure who this jerk is - I haven't seen him on the show, when I first heard about it I was wondering if it was Jillian Michaels of Bob Harper who was arrested.

I'm glad it was neither - but my money was on Jillian - she's bad ass.

I've been a big biggest loser fan since 2005 - with secret aspirations of one day making it on the show myself one day.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How I made my first Dollar in Network Marketing - it only took me 8 years!

(My Original Blog Post:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Another original release poster.[/caption]

How to Make your first Dollar in Network Marketing.

That first commission check is the most important in a Network Marketer's life. It is the make or break of becoming successful.

Many Network Marketers say to themselves, if I could only make that first check, I know I could be successful.

The sad thing is most people never make it that far.

We all dream of being the epitome of success. We all dream of making $10,000 per month. To reach $10,000 monthly we must first meet $1,000 per month. Before we can reach $1,000 we must reach $100. Before we can reach $100 we must reach $1.

How do we get that first dollar?

With everything in life there's a process. I've been in and out of Network Marketing for many years. I've never really had much success myself until 2008.

When we begin our network marketing career we lack the confidence to talk about our opportunity. I kept saying to myself: "Sure if we had a ferrari everyone would listen to me, but nobody is going to take me seriously in my crap car."

I've wasted maybe 3 years of my life trying to be successful in many different programs. I say it was a waste, but instead perhaps it was just an education. One that I just hadn't planned on.

You know, it actually took me 8 years to make my first dollar in Network Marketing?

During the 8 years I've made many changes in my life, I got married, I buckled down at a day job that I hated, but that I needed to pay the bills.

I've spent hundred on self-help materials thinking maybe I just don't have the right mindset, people are being successful -what's wrong with me. Why can't I do it?

Enter Social Media.

In 2007-2008 I found a new business. Blogging. I first started out writing my blog, and monetizing with affiliate programs and ad networks like google adsense.

I made a few dollars here and there initially. Then I started getting more and more traffic. Eventually I was getting 40,000 hits per week.

It was about this time that I was introduced to MyWorldPlus. It was also about this time that things were tanking for the economy as well.

MyWorldPlus caught my eye because their powerline structure is extremely powerful as a marketing tool, and I saw this potential. However, the selling point wasn't the commission structure, or the business opportunity - the seller was the product.

In order to make money, online or off, you must fulfill a need. Who became the richest during the gold rush - prospectors or the people who sold them their supplies?

Right now we aren't in any goldrush by any stretch of imagination, but if you target your audience and focus on what they need,  you will win as those gold mining suppliers did.

Today the gold mine is helping people save money. It just so happens with this business opportunity you can also help them make money.

First let me talk about saving money.

MyWorldPlus is a savings card that lets you save money on goods and services that you would buy everyday. MyWorldplus also offers money-back from purchases at hundreds of stores. This card literally pays for itself each and every month.

Sure there's a monthly fee but it's nominal and the money saved is about 5-10 times what I'm actually spending.

In this crappy economy saving money is a gold mine, or helping people to live more frugal.

Now lets talk about The Opportunity.

MyWorldPlus is a great company where you can make money almost immediately - you'll very likely receive downline members via the powerline, and you can receive a percentage of the global pool by only referring 3 members.

Some people only refer three people themselves and make decent income.

Back to earning your first dollar.

I joined MyWorldPlus and had a number of people placed below me before I even joined. I didn't think I'd really make any money off these people. The first month though, I made a whopping $2.50 just off the people placed below me.

Now sure you say - $2.50 isn't anything to get worked up over. When it comes to my failures in Network Marketing it was a LOT to get excited over. It was essentially my first $2.50 - after 8 years of trying.

I had my first taste of success, and I became an addict. I worked hard placing ads all over the place, posting in forums and putting the link in my signature, and blogging about it.

Now I have a loyal following of blog readers, and I didn't want to bombard them with batant ads and make them stop following me. Some people have been burned out by Network Marketing before, and have an almost religious crusader attitude against all things Network marketing. I myself have always kept an open mind, believing that it was my own failure that was the issue - not the company.

Having learned many things in my 8 year marketing experience, blogging and social media was the biggest catalyst. I have learned how to build a following.

The key to success is learning to build relationships. It's all about relationship marketing - it always has been - it just so happens that social media and social networks make it a lot easier in this day and age to build relationships.

Some other tips to successful relationship building via Blogging:

  1. You absolutely must master twitter - of all social networks right now Twitter is the best. While you're at it - why not follow me on twitter.

  2. Be conversational - @reply to a lot of people on topics related to your niche - it will make you stand out as an authority. A good tool to see conversations related to a certain topic, and reply is monitter. Just enter some search terms and it will show live twitter results for those keywords.

  3. Participate in online forums. Some of the best forums are forums for work at home moms. The members are very active and they're usually more friendly and honest than a business opportunity forum. Also they're a lot less spammy.

  4. Write like your life depends on it. The bottom line to successful blogging is the more content, the more traffic. Period. That is the biggest secret - to be truly successful you should be writing at least 3 blog posts daily.

Lastly - Never give up - your time will come and if it takes longer than you are hoping then you will be that much more grateful and thankful when it does. Never give up hope.

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6 Easy ways to get more Subscribers.

(My Original Blog Post: -*

6 Techniques to get more RSS Subscribers to your Blog!

1. Comment on someone's blog who has as many or nearly as many subscribers as you do - Tell them you've subscribed to their blog. They may reciprocate - a lot will.

2. Ask your Readers to subscribe. Make it easy and blatant. If people see links asking to subscribe all over the place then they're more likely to subscribe.

3. Write Guest Posts for other Bloggers. This is a great way to get new subscribers - instead of puting your link in your bio, put a link to your feed url.

4. Bribes are always welcome. Offer something nice to your readers if they subscribe to your blog. This is always a good method to get new RSS readers.

5. Build your network, and then ask your network periodically to subscribe to your rss feed.

6. Start Podcasting. Podcasts are great ways to get more traffic, and get the word out about your blog. It's also a great way to get new rss subscribers.

These are just a few methods - what's your favorite method of bringing in new subscribers?

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Veteran's Day 2008 - Give a Veteran a Hug Today!

(My Original Blog Post: -*

Happy Veteran's Day 2008.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by horizontal.integration via Flickr"]The American Flag[/caption]

Do you know the history of Veteran's Day? If not sit down, as I tell you a bit about the history.

Veteran's Day was originally called Armistice day celebrating the end of the first world war on November 11th, 1918.

In the 1950s, it was changed to a day to honor all veterans of America.

Many veterans have, and continue to give their lives so that we can claim the supreme privilege of having our freedom.

We should each take a moment today to sit in silence, and think of the many sacrifices of the Veterans who have given their life for this country.

As a believe in this country I honor and support our veterans and soldiers. I don't support the reason they are fighting, I don't support the Iraq war, but I do support our veterans. Today is their day. Tell a veteran that you know - how much their sacrifice has meant to you.

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